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Frikin The Laser Shark is a 2D Bullet Hell Underwater Platformer hybrid. In this game the player controls Frikin, A shark with a laser on its head, guiding it through 8 stages filled with various armed aquatic life. The player will blast, dash, and crash their way through each world and face 4 bosses total in the game as they make their way to the end. Frikin was originally pitched as an open world game where all the bosses were on 1 large map but we changed to a stage and world based system because it held true to the retro 90’s shoot em up feeling that we wanted and it was far more feasible given the short amount of time we had to finish this project.

My role:

During the school development:

-Designed and developed the health, respawn, and scoring systems

-Improved enemy AI to be more aggressive and move around obstacles

-Programmed 15 environmental hazards for level designers to use

-Designed one of our eight levels

-Designed and coded 6 enemies

-Provided 2D art for the enemies and a few of the environmental hazards I was responsible for

-Lead the team in weekly debugging sessions

-Helped mentor other team members in coding practices

-Submitted weekly milestones to receive constant feedback

Post-graduation development:

-Leading the team in the design and development of a roguelike progression game mode

-Designing and developing a new boss for the campaign mode

-Working on two mini bosses and many new enemies

-Designing a new level for campaign mode

-Helping level designers with tile layout for new levels

-Updating and improving the health and respawn systems



Look for a revamped and full release of Frikin The Laser Shark on Steam Spring 2019!

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